Stephen & Truandi Smith

The church’s only road to the perfection of Christ is faith.
Many things are possible for the person who has hope. Even more is possible for the person who has faith. Still more is possible for the person who has love. Nothing is impossible for the person who has all three.
We need to learn to be faithful in dry times. It is during those dry spells that God tests our love for Him. We should take advantage of those times to practice our determination and our surrender to Him.
Our sanctification does not depend as much on changing our activities as it does doing them for God rather than for ourselves.
The Lord is not so impressed with the dimensions of our work as much as He is with the love with which it is done.
To be sure that we are doing God’s will we must develop faith, hope and love.
Finding and fulfilling your purpose is the greatest adventure you can have in this life, and should be a top priority for every Christian. Helping Christians find and then be prepared for their purpose is the reason their ministry exists. Apostolic calling is designed to equip and prepare the most powerful Christians in our times in every major sphere of influence, not just leaders of churches. If you are resolved to do what it takes to become a high-impact follower of the King in the greatest cause, Stephen can help you get there.
Stephen and Truandi have passionately pursued a life of trying to understand and get to know who the person of God really is.
They travel itinerantly by invitation throughout Africa, America, and Europe ministering, teaching, equipping and mandating people to become Sons of God.
Stephen’s heart is to put strategies and keys into believers' hands to enable them to actively participate in the reality of the realms of God's Kingdom and to experience the empowerment of life as the spirit beings we were created to be.
Together they train and equip believers to give their lives in a persistent, passionate pursuit of the person of God, enabling them to discover that their lives are about the preparation for oneness and unity with God for the purpose of becoming mandated and authorized ambassadors of His Kingdom. There passion is to reveal to the Sons of God the purpose of the power of the attorney of God within them, removing the sense of powerlessness and hopelessness that is often attached to many in the body of Christ when they are confronted with the reality of the spirit world that surrounds them.
Through insights, equipping, teaching and with practical biblical tools, they bring to reality the accessibility of the realms of Heaven, enabling the release of the potential within each person as a Son of God. Assisting many to grasp, to be empowered and unlock the potential of the Kingdom of God within them. This in turn releases the ability to be able to see and participate in the activities of the Kingdom of Heaven. Their desire is to equip believers with the reality of what it means to "be in the spirit" and in the realms of God, enabling them to actively participate with God and be in His world and building with Him and not just doing things for Him.
Their lifestyle, born out of the desire and a walk of initiating and building a friendship with God, became a journey that required the breaking of religious structures, mind-sets and beliefs that they had, that disempowered and hid the reality and accessibility of being in the realms of the world of God's Kingdom.
Stephen and Truandi teaches that intimacy is about "the passionate pursuit of the person of God" and doing things with Him because you want to, not because you have to.
Intimacy, love and friendship go beyond what you have to do and need to, to what you want to. For Stephen intimacy became a place of doing things to be with God, not to just please Him, but to be with Him in His world, enabling Stephen to experience the joy in doing and sharing things with the person of God.
This desire for friendship and intimacy has uncovered the yearning in the heart of God to share His life and His ways in return.
Stephen and Truandi’s passion is to lead people into this walk of intimacy and encounter so that they can experience who God is, what He does, how He does it, what He thinks and how He feels. Stephen's phrase, "nothing missing, nothing broken," is for Stephen defined most in 2 Corinthians 9:8; And God is able to make all grace (every favour and earthly blessing) come to you in abundance, so that you may always and under all circumstances and whatever the need be self-sufficient [possessing enough to require no aid or support and furnished in abundance for every good work and charitable donation].
This type of intimacy has led to a deeper insatiable desire to uncover more of who God is and to know more about his realm and Kingdom, often revealing Gods desire for us to walk on the ancient paths with Him and experience life with Him in His Kingdom and realm.
Stephen believes that this type of lifestyle alone will empower us to be able to touch a broken and desperate world that needs to see the reality of the supernatural realms of Heaven and the return of the Sons of the Kingdom to their rightful place as heirs.